Welcome to grandiose grammAr, a free and fun podcast on all things english grammar.

Episode 11: Say this, not that... 2

Episode 11: Say this, not that... 2

Hello folks! This is the second entry in my say this, not that.. series. Today, I’m focussing on the verb forget; a transfer error from German to English with the phrasal verbs stand up vs. get up and Brexit is also getting a mention. No, I’m not about to sound off about Brexit! Instead, I’m going to explain that Brexit always takes a zero article.

Have you got any suggestions for my say this, not that… series? If so, let me know if the comments below.

Episode 12 Make vs. do

Episode 12 Make vs. do

Episode 10: Negative adverbials with inversion

Episode 10: Negative adverbials with inversion